Viral Pasta Bake using Goat Cheese

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Everyone is sharing their version of the feta pasta bake that has gone viral on social media.  The recipe that I first saw had substituted cream cheese, which gave me the idea to try GOAT CHEESE and gosh it was wonderful (if you like goat cheese! 😉  You can easily substitute cream cheese in the recipe below .. which we DID! as well as made one with artichoke hearts and mushrooms for a non-tomato based dish.

Viral Pasta Bake using Goat Cheese

Servings: 15



  1. Cook pasta as directed on package, making sure to RESERVE 1 CUP of the cooking water to combine with the sauce after it bakes.
  2. In a large skillet toss your tomatoes, onion, mushrooms in the pan and place the goat cheese (or cream cheese) in the center. Bake at 400° for 30 minutes, or until tomatoes are soft and the cheese is toasty melted.
  3. Stir the sauce once it comes out of the oven and add ONE CUP of reserved pasta water. Adding fresh basil if you have any on hand, is wonderful at this point.
  4. Toss with pasta and serve with green vegetable such as asparagus which we roasted at the same time the sauce was baking.

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