Sourdough Starter Crepes

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We use any “batter” recipe to keep our sour dough starter going strong.  In fact, we never “discard” the starter, because we feed it only a TBL of whole grain flour a day.  But by the weekend, it’s time to make SOMETHING!  This morning Karma adapted her classic crepe recipe to include one cup of starter.  If you don’t have any starter on hand, you can simply omit it!  Your crepes will still turn out light and delightful!

Sourdough Starter Crepes

Servings: 20



  1. Place ALL of the ingredients in a blender in the order they are listed and mix for a minute until smooth. Let sit for at least 15 minutes preferably an hour in the fridge in order to get a more even crepe.
    Blender with batter
  2. With heat on medium, lightly oil a pan and pour a scant amount of batter, twirling pan to coat the bottom lightly. When edges are brown flip and cook for another minute on other side. We use every burner to save time when making large batches. And let's face it you should ALWAYS make large batches of crepes. They keep well in the fridge and freeze just fine.
  3. Separate cooked crepes in a stack with parchment paper.
  4. Serve with fresh fruit, or all fruit preserves, nut butter or cinnamon sugar. They make wonderful wrappers for lunch or dinner bechamel sauced vegetarian chickie or portabella mushrooms.

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