Rolled Omelette

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Gyeran-mari is a Korean rolled Omelette that uses a variety of fillings from seaweed to scallions, carrots or other savory treats. I loved the one-pan ideal and was tempted to see if I could use that technique to make easy work of eggs-for-ten!  The result was more of a redneck yule log, but the taste was light and delicate.  I’d certainly do it again.

We’ve cut back on egg yolks, so this recipe uses a combination of whole eggs and egg whites.  Part of the reason it tastes light with a lovely texture.  All egg white or all whole eggs would work fine as well.

Rolled Omelette

Servings: 1



  1. Place the whole eggs and the egg whites into a bowl and mix them without creating too many bubbles. Add dill and rice wine vinegar and mix gently until combined.
  2. Heat XL cast iron skillet over medium and brush with oil.
  3. Place about one quarter of your egg mixture into the pan and top with the chopped kale. Cook slowly on medium heat until the top is almost set. You may choose to lightly salt and pepper each layer.
  4. Carefully roll the omelet as tight as you can to The far side of the pan then move the omelet back to the side that you started.
  5. Pour the next quarter of the egg mixture into your pan making sure that it's all the way at the edges and up against your rolled section of eggs.
  6. Top with the grated carrot and cook until it is almost set then roll again and repeat with the next layer.
  7. Add your cheese and when it is melty and almost set roll one more time. You can brush more oil onto the pan if needed.
  8. Pour the remaining quarter into the pan to top your last layer with scallions. when the eggs are almost completely set roll this last layer and carefully using two spatulas place on a cutting board.
  9. Make sure you let your world egg sit for 5 minutes to finish carryover cooking and firm up before you slice it.
  10. Slice into equal servings and enjoy!

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