Bacon Wrapped Filets

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Tonight was a special birthday dinner so we made a special veggie bacon wrapped tofu that was sautéed and then broiled. Easy to make but definitely a pretty presentation that made it feel like a special occasion. To be certain, the Redneck had porterhouse steak because it was HIS birthday and not everyone is a vegetarian all the time. It was a lovely celebration and a good meal all around.

Bacon Wrapped Filets

Servings: 5



  1. Using a large biscuit cutter make a circle from your tofu brick and wrap it with two slices of bacon. Mine fit in the cast iron pan snug enough not to require a toothpick but you can certainly secure them with one if desired.
  2. Melt a couple table spoons of butter in a heavy cast iron pan and add your freshly ground turmeric and ginger. Then place your tofu medallions in the pan and sear the bottom on medium heat for a few minutes.
  3. Place a half teaspoon of butter on top of each and then broil until the top is brown and the bacon is cooked.

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