Perfect Porridge

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I love cream of wheat, it’s smooth, tasty and the perfect blank canvas for your favorite topping 😉  When we bought our new counter top grain mill (NutriMill Harvest Stone Grain Mill) one of the first recipes we tried was making our own breakfast cereal using freshly ground wheat berries. There are full articles on why milling your own grains are healthier than anything you can buy on the shelf, but in short most essential minerals like B vitamins are light sensitive and quickly decay over time. But when you grind what you need on the go, you capture all the wholesome goodness that grains naturally contain. And the counter top mill makes it so easy to grind and go.

Perfect Porridge

Servings: 8


Toppings of choice


  1. Store bought cream of wheat is ready in minutes, but home milled wheat berries take at least 15 minutes so cook so give yourself plenty of time. Place your cracked wheat and water in a pan, season with salt to taste and bring to a boil stirring occassionally. Reduce heat and continue to simmer until the water is absorbed by the grains. Serve with your favorite topping.

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