Breakfast Bread Casserole

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Our goto holiday breakfast casserole involves soaking the bread over night, whipping cream cheese and making a delightful crumb topping. Which is all well and good for a special occasion. But sometimes our family of 10 has a bread counter that needs to be down sized and what better way to use up left over bread than with a simply pop in the oven one and done?

Breakfast Bread Casserole

Difficulty: Easy Prep Time 15 min Cook Time 45 min Total Time 1 hr
Servings: 10



  1. Tear up left over bread (equal to about one loaf, can be of any type tho seeded bread will give a different texture) Pour about a cup of milk over bread and let it soak in while you crack the eggs. In a separate bowl, crack the eggs and scramble. Add the remaining half cup of milk. Grease a large roasting pan with melted butter or oil. Combine your eggs and milk bread and pour into your prepared pan. Place spoonfuls of cream cheese over the top. Bake at 400° for 45 minutes.

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