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Apple Ring Fritters

Don't make these. They take a long while. There's lots of standing at the stove. But most important, they TASTE AMAZING and you will want to have them every day!! For a lower fat version you can simply spray oil on your hot cast iron pan and make them much like a traditional pancake. However for a more "fritter" crisp you will want to use a good amount of oil in your pan. Up to you! We made them both ways and both were wonderful. Top with a sprinkle of powder sugar, cinamon sugar, or pumpkin pie spice. Or eat them plain. They really are THAT GOOD :D
Cooking Method
Servings 10
  • 2 cups Whole Grain Flour (Depending on the moisture content of your flour you may need another 3 TBL spoons. You want a consistency of thin and smooth pancake batter. We added about a quarter cup unbleached flour to our batter to get the right consistency.)
  • 2 tablespoons Baking Powder
  • 3 tablespoons Corn Starch
  • .5 teaspoons Salt
  • 2 Whole Eggs
  • 2 cups Milk
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla (We were out of our homemade vanilla and used one vanilla bean split and scraped.)
  • 8 Apples (Again you may need more or less depending on the size of your apples. We found 7 slices fit well in our large cast iron pans. And we just kept cutting an making batches until we were near done with the batter.)
  • Powder sugar, cinamon sugar or pumpkin spice to sprinkle on top as or if desired.
  1. Slice apples about a quarter inch thick and use a small cookie cutter to remove the seed/core.
  2. Mix your wet ingredients until smooth and then combine them with your dry in a large bowl. Mix until smooth. Dip your apple slices into the batter and fry in a hot skillet over medium/medium-low heat about 3 minutes per side.
  3. Dust with powder sugar, cinnamon sugar or leave just as they are.