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Pot Cheese

Grandma Pauline actually used Polly-O ricotta for her lasagna so I can't say making pot cheese is an old family tradition.  As with most things it came out of some version of necessity.  We don't always buy organic everything, but we do try and eat as clean as we can afford.  And there have certainly been times when we either wanted to reduce the additives or save money and DIY.  And pot cheese is super easy!
Difficulty Easy
Prep Time: 1 min Cook Time: 15 min Total Time: 16 mins
Servings 10
  • 1 gallon Whole Milk
  • .5 cups White Vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons Butter (Optional)
  • .25 cups Heavy Cream (Optional)
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  1. Bring one gallon of whole milk to a simmer (just under a boil) over medium low heat). When it looks about to boil, turn off the heat and stir in a half cup of vinegar. Keep stirring until curds form and the whey looks translucent. Strain in fine colander saving the whey for bread making! Add a bit of butter or cream to the pot cheese and season with salt and pepper if desired.