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Donut Peach Ice Cream

Hands down the best ice cream Monks has made. Our donut peach tree was about to snap it's branches the fruit was so heavy and ripe. So he picked a dozen+ and created frozen perfection!
Servings 20
  • 12 Donut Peaches, pitted and chopped (Made about 2 cups)
  • 1.5 cup Whole Milk
  • 1.5 cup Heavy Cream
  • .25 cups Sugar
  • 3 tablespoons Vanilla
  1. Simmer the peaches on the stove top uncovered until they are very soft and the liquid is reduced. Puree with stick blender or smoothie maker and chill until cold. Combine milk and cream in a large bowl, add sugar and vanilla and chilled peach puree. Then mix with hand whisk for five minutes until frothy. Place in ice cream maker and process until ready to freeze.