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Best Jacket Potato

It's a baked potato what's the big deal? Well, first it's the absolute BEST BAKED POTATO ... for two reasons. First, it's baked like a traditional UK jacket potato, so the skin is crisp and the inside is soft and amazing. But the real reason why tonight's dinner was exceptional was that Monks made dinner. He's done that a few times this week because some of our family have been in quarantine with sick kiddos and Karma has been in a deep POTShole for the last several weeks. It's been hard on everyone. But the one thing this family does well ... exceptionally so ... is care for one another. And tonight that looked like the best baked potato and fresh asparagus that left everyone feeling satisfied and grateful. (Plus most people still had AMAZING Thai Food still left over from lunch from a very generous take out order offered by Tricia & Paul. Immeasurable kindness, this family rocks.) In truth not everyone in our family of 10 likes baked potato as a meal, so we also offer tortilla chips because with beans and avocado you have endless possibilities for your plate. ♥
Servings 10
  • 10 Organic Russet Potatoes
  • Oil and Salt (Plus toppings of choice)
  1. Wash, scrub potatoes. With paring knife cute an X into each potato a few millimeters deep (not more than a quarter inch). Spray or rub with olive oil. Place cross side UP into a 400° oven and roast for 90 minutes. Take the potatoes out and slice over the original X, making the cuts a bit deeper. Return to oven for another 15 minutes. (This step may feel tedious, but it makes for the fluffiest insides!) Serve with favorite toppings.