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Baked Cheeseburger Eggrolls

These would work well in an air fryer, we used our oven on convection bake. I think next time I might try bushing oil rather than a spray mist. We are still learning the nuiances of the new dual fuel oven.
Cooking Method ,
Servings 15
  • 30 Egg Roll Wrappers
  • 32 ounces Vegan Crumble (We used Gardein)
  • Seasoning to taste
  • 1 cup Chopped Dill Puckles
  • 30 Slices Cheese
  • Seseme Seeds
  • Dipping Sauce
  • 1 Cup (mayo)
  • .5 Cup (Ketchup)
  • .25 Cup (Mustard)
  1. Brown crumble and add seasoning. We used oinion bits, salt, pepper and a swirl of both ketchup and mustard.
  2. Assemble. Place eggroll wrapper with point facing down. Place cheese down near lower third. Top with a spoonful of crumble. Add pickles. Brush water on top two edges then fold the bottom tip up, two sides in to the middle and roll up.
  3. Spray or brush with olive oil and sprinkle with seseme seed, then convection bake at 425° for 15 minutes or until lightly browned.
  4. Dipping sauce
  5. Combine ingredients for special sauce and serve with lettuce and cherry tomatoes.